Hearing & Balance
Is hearing loss beginning to impact your day-to-day life? Improve your quality of living with tailor-made hearing solutions from a team of local and independent audiology experts. From hearing aids, hearing tests, and auditory processing assessment, Carly and Dion are here to help.
Committed. Experienced. Results.
Discover our range of services that we offer to help support you to hear and feel better.
Hearing & Balance offers comprehensive hearing assessments for people of all ages. Full diagnostic assessments include pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry to determine the patient’s ability to detect and identify different sounds.
Immittance testing and otoscopy assess the health of the ear, all results are integrated to give our patients a full understanding of their hearing ability and isolate which part of the ear may be affected.
Following testing, our team of experienced audiologists will determine the most appropriate solution for each individual.
Our team of hearing experts are dedicated to helping our patients better manage their tinnitus through comprehensive testing and customised treatment. The process includes a full diagnostic hearing assessment, plus detailed information for patients, families and carers regarding tinnitus.
Once the hearing assessment is complete, our audiologists provide patients with a thorough explanation of their test results and advise them of the best treatment and management plan for their tinnitus.
Hearing & Balance provides a full range of hearing aids to help our patients hear more clearly, communicate more easily with their family and friends, and feel more confident in social situations. As independent providers, we have no ties to a particular manufacturer, meaning we will recommend a tailored solution based on the patient’s individual lifestyle, budget, and hearing needs.
Our audiologists take the time to ensure that each patient understands and feels comfortable with the use of their hearing aids, and we are happy to answer any questions the patient may have. We can also discuss assistive listening devices for specific hearing situations.
Hearing & Balance can help identify, diagnose, and treat a wide range of disorders that can affect balance. Full diagnostic assessments include comprehensive testing of each of the five components that make up the inner ear balance organ (vestibular labyrinth) as well as the vestibular nerve.
Functional balance is also assessed to provide a complete view of the health of the inner ear.
Hearing & Balance performs hearing assessments for children aged three years and older. Our friendly and professional team of audiologists work hard to ensure that every child feels relaxed and comfortable, allowing accurate results to be obtained.
Once the hearing assessment is complete, our team will discuss the results with the child’s parents and advise them of treatment options if required.
We offer a full diagnostic test battery for APD, including seven different tests of different domains of auditory processing.
Testing is possible for children from developmental age seven and is completely non-invasive. For more information, see our “Resources” page or contact us.
For those who have APD, we also provide weekly face to face training, with a programme lasting 14 weeks. We can also provide technology based support and recommend well researched, effective app based training based on need.
Hearing aids require regular maintenance to prevent build-up of ear wax, moisture, and dust to ensure they run as efficiently as possible. That’s why our clinic has a dedicated repair station where we clean hearing aids, make adjustments, and provide repairs or, if required, we will send them directly to the manufacturer.
Our repair station is stocked with all kinds of spare parts including domes, filters, cleaning brushes, and tubing to ensure fast turnaround times for all our patients.
We offer a range of custom-made hearing protection devices to guard against various recreational and industrial environments. This may include music at a concert or festival, noise within a workplace or around heavy machinery, water while swimming, or the sound of a gun shot while shooting.
Our earplugs and earpieces help reduce the effects of noise on hearing by decreasing the level of sound (or water) reaching the inner ear.
Hearing & Balance offers pre-employment and workplace hearing tests to assess and monitor a person’s hearing health so that they can perform tasks accurately and safely.
These tests are conducted for workplaces in many different industries and are important to ensure compliance with noise codes of practice and OH&S.
Hearing & Balance are proud to offer Hawke’s Bay’s only invisible hearing aid, called Lyric.
Lyric is the world’s first and only 100% invisible hearing aid that can be worn 24 hours per day, seven days a week, for months at a time.
For more information, click on our Lyric page or contact us.
If your ear is feeling blocked, book in with our ear cleaning clinic and we can check to see what is going on. If you need ear wax removal, we can do that for you. If it is not wax causing the problem, we can get you booked in with our audiology team for further investigation.

1. Check your hearing with our free online hearing screening tool
2. Book your full diagnostic hearing assessment at Hearing & Balance
3. Learn about treatment options, including modern, discreet hearing aids, with a range of features and benefits
4. Learn about funding options and subsidy programs
5. Trial your individualized hearing solution with a 60 day money back guarantee
Enjoy better hearing.
Hearing checks are an important part of maintaining your hearing health.
How much does a hearing test cost?
Our price for a full diagnostic hearing test is $100. If you decide to proceed with hearing aids following your assessment, this cost will be deducted from the cost of the hearing aids. Some private medical insurers will cover the cost of a hearing assessment.
What’s involved in a vestibular test?
Your clinician will begin by asking about your balance history. There are then 5-7 different tests assessing different parts of the inner ear and nerve. The results of these tests combine to build a picture of the function of each inner ear balance organ. The results will be discussed with you and a detailed report will be written outlining the outcome and management plans agreed.
can i swim with a hole in my eardrum?
Getting water into the middle ear space is never a good idea. It can lead to discomfort, pain and infections. However, with custom earplugs, available at Hearing & Balance, it is possible to minimise the risk of water getting into your ears, meaning avoiding the pool can be a thing of the past on a hot, Hawke’s Bay summer day!
Can you test children’s hearing?
At Hearing & Balance, we are able to perform a screen of a child's hearing and ear health from age 9 months. We are able to fully assess a child's hearing from age 2.
Why do my ears feel blocked?
There are many reasons why your ears may feel blocked. One of the most common reasons is hearing loss, but wax buildup, fluid behind the ears and blockages in the tube that connects the middle ear to the throat can also cause this feeling. Our full diagnostic assessment will allow us to pinpoint where in the ear the blocked feeling is coming from and suggest appropriate management.
why do i hear ringing in my ears?
There are many causes for hearing sounds in the ear, which is called tinnitus. Of these, hearing loss is the most common. 80% of people with hearing loss also experience tinnitus. Other causes include head injury, wax build up and jaw problems.